Our Mission

We understand access to nature to be a necessity of the human spirit, and key to the health and wellness of people and planet.

Our Goals

Enhancing well-being, promoting environmental stewardship, and providing resources for nature-based learning and eco-therapy.

We focus on connecting community partners with resources to foster resilience; this primarily includes facilitating land access for local educators, farmers, and mental health service providers for nature-based learning and eco-therapy.

We strive to support a wide variety of nature-connection experiences including: increasing access to local organic food through community gardens & regenerative farming, funding childhood nature-based education, supporting nature-based therapy and other resilience strategies, increasing awareness and access to traditional and indigenous ways of living and art-making, restoration of farmland for education and conservation, and more.

Nature Connection Access Fund:

To date, our organization has guaranteed scholarship funding for students at the Earth School at Fauna Forest Farm so that no student has been turned away due to lack of funds.

Student Scholarship needs totaling $3,536

Donate Today!

We support our partners at the Earth School at Fauna Forest Farm who believe that no student should be turned away due to lack of funds.

All funds donated to this fundraising campaign directly meet the remaining scholarship needs of the year. Student scholarship need totals $3,536 for the remainder of this 2024-2025 program year (October 2024-May 2025).

By supporting access to land for local educators, farmers, and mental health service providers, we aim to create a harmonious relationship with the natural world.

If you would like to volunteer, donate, or otherwise support our work, please reach out today!

Email: natureconnectionaccess@gmail.com